Sunday, October 9, 2011

On my way to class (MicroBlog)

Art Ed is my second class of the day on Mondays and my first class is in the PAES building. Finding class on the first day wasn't very difficult because I am familiar with the stadium. I drive to class from my dorm and usually the traffic in the morning on high street is miserable. On my walk from my other class to Art Ed I listen to music and usually zone out. I guess I pay attention to a good looking girl if she walks by but other than that I'm in my own world. One unique thing about my walk is walking down the stairs from the PAES building to the stadium. They aren't just any ordinary stairs that you walk down, they are an awkward size and cause you to stutter step on each one. Once you walk inside between gates 22 and 24, on your way up the stairs there is a welcome sign painted with a buckeye stripe.

1 comment:

  1. Good description of your journey. Where is your dorm that you have to drive here?
