Monday, October 17, 2011

10 Objects MP2

My iPhone- My phone, like most people, is my source of communication. This day and age, my phone is not just a phone, its an iPod and holds access to my social networks. I have my phone with my at all times. 

MacBook- My MacBook is another source of communication you could say. Writing papers, surfing the web and video-chatting is what I use it for most. 
Entertainment Expanded

My Car- Don't know how I would do half the things I do without my car, everywhere I go its with me. It allows me to expand what I'm capable of by allowing me to go to many different places.
Physical Movement 

Headphones- Dr. Dre makes the best headphones hands down. I use them for many different things such as before a game to get pumped up. I also use them for when I want to just zone out and relax. Headphones on, world off. 
Mood Changing

Picture- I have a picture a good friend of mine drew for me back in high school. It still hangs on my wall today and has a lot of meaning to me. I use it as motivation when need be.

Helmet- My football helmet is a example of a lot of things. It reminds me what I do and how much work I put into playing. When it is on my head, nothing else seems to matter.

Family- It said objects so I don't want to list my family members as objects so I'll do this picture of them. They have shaped how I am today and continue to shape me everyday. My dad has taught me everything I know. 

iPad- I pad is basically a big iPhone or a small computer. Very convenient for on the go like I usually am. Helps me stay connected and get work done even when I'm not at a computer.

Bed- Many people who me well know that I love to sleep. Naps are my favorite and my bed makes for the best. How can you get anything accomplished if you don't get good rest.
Energizer Bunny 

Wallet- Without my wallet I might as well be dead. Everything happens from your wallet. Money, identification, transportation it all comes from my wallet. It would be miserable if you lost it.. knock on wood. 

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