Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Before I started this project I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out or how I was going to develop my thoughts and ideas into this project. You said not to try and visualize how your final will come out so I tried my best not to, but the type of person I am I couldn't help but plan it out in my head like everything I do and it did complicate things. I knew I wanted to do something revolving around dreams and different types of dreams. The reason for that is because dreams are something that are so overlooked and not usually thought much about after you experience them.

First starting the process I really had to narrow down my idea's and thoughts and start planning what I was going to do. I came up with the idea to talk about different types of dreams and dreaming. At this point I still had tons of idea's running through my head and just started reading a researching dreams and pictures of dreams. I decided to narrow it down to the main four types of dreams and talk about them and explain them a little. I couldn't do this all on a photoshop document so I chose powerpoint to present it in different slides.

I am pleased with how my project came out. It allowed me to express myself in different types of dreams and also some good information about dreams. I included a warning page just out of an idea that popped into my head and thought it was creative. I wish I had more room on my slides cause there was a lot of stuff that had to get cut out and wasn't included due to space. I included some of my friends daydreaming and some real life situations that allowed me to really connect with nightmare type of dream. I also included a bunch of cool random pictures for my introduction slide which I think is really attention grabbing. This project took me a good amount of time but at the end I look back and actually enjoyed doing it and learned a few things along the way.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


My big idea is going to be revolved around dreams. Dreams money can buy, dreams money can't buy. Random dreams people have, do they mean anything? So many times people have dreams that are interesting but don't ever get revisited or thought about. Reality dreams, real life dreams that people have and hope to reach. What is the distance they will go to reach them. Ultimately we all have a dream we dreamed one right, a dream we hope to reach or a dream we think about day in and day out that affects many of the decisions we make. I'm going to break down all types of dreams.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


The object I chose to express my word to tear is something I deal with everyday. Football field and football cleats. To think about it, many of us tear something or numerous things everyday. Just referring to my life, I tear the tape I put on my wrist everyday for practice, I tear the grass from the ground with my cleat, I tear the seal to the top of a gatorade bottle to drink it. To tear can mean many different things, and can be done in many different ways. Monday's are our days off so I grabbed my cleat, my friend, my iphone and walked out to the grass fields. I took around 20 pictures of different angles, different lighting and narrowed it down to these 4. I wanted to change things up a little so I went ahead and did my final JPEG on powerpoint. I chose the cracked lettering to go with the tear effect. Added a little shadowing and this is my final for the MP5.

Got it?  Nonverbal response means A! Haha

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Laser Hands

Laser hands wasn't the original power I chose I will be honest. My first start was to have spaghetti come out of my fingers but after struggling to make it work for awhile I gave up and used my same picture and gave myself laser hands. In my mind laser hands allow me to do many things such as pick up and move objects out of arms reach, cut through stuff and go through things. The lasers aren't spaghetti but now I think about it, you can do way more cool things with lasers rather than spaghetti. To critique my work, I would have made my background a different scene maybe more real life. Also I would have myself picking an object up with the laser's to show one of its powers.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The reason I chose this place is because it is a very well known monument around campus and Columbus. You could take a picture of it and pretty much ask anywhere what it is and they could tell you. The statue was just an idea I came up with. I figured it was appropriate since it was part of the football stadium and this is one of my favorite football pictures. I don't think I've ever seen a picture of this with a statue in the middle of it so I think this is unique because someday I'm sure there will be an actual statue there. I want the viewer to interact with my photo in a unique way such as taking attention to the detail of the statue and how it fits in with the rest of its surrounding. Also in a funny way because lets be honest the chances of a tight end from Florida having his own statue outside The Shoe is slim I would say.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

These 10 things are a huge part of my life. The football helmet describes my love for the game and how much time I devote to it and is a big reason I am who I am today. The electronics are an example of how I stay connected with the outside world, close friends and family. My car is how I get to the places I need to be at. Without my inspirational family I wouldn't be where I am today. My wallet is something I use every single day, numerous times and is how I am able to get the things I need. What this picture doesn't show is how I got to many of these things, where they come from and how they are shaped into what they are today. Why an Ohio State football helmet instead of any other school around the country? Why is my family so inspirational? Those are questions that cannot be answer by looking at the picture, or looking at me. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

10 Objects MP2

My iPhone- My phone, like most people, is my source of communication. This day and age, my phone is not just a phone, its an iPod and holds access to my social networks. I have my phone with my at all times. 

MacBook- My MacBook is another source of communication you could say. Writing papers, surfing the web and video-chatting is what I use it for most. 
Entertainment Expanded

My Car- Don't know how I would do half the things I do without my car, everywhere I go its with me. It allows me to expand what I'm capable of by allowing me to go to many different places.
Physical Movement 

Headphones- Dr. Dre makes the best headphones hands down. I use them for many different things such as before a game to get pumped up. I also use them for when I want to just zone out and relax. Headphones on, world off. 
Mood Changing

Picture- I have a picture a good friend of mine drew for me back in high school. It still hangs on my wall today and has a lot of meaning to me. I use it as motivation when need be.

Helmet- My football helmet is a example of a lot of things. It reminds me what I do and how much work I put into playing. When it is on my head, nothing else seems to matter.

Family- It said objects so I don't want to list my family members as objects so I'll do this picture of them. They have shaped how I am today and continue to shape me everyday. My dad has taught me everything I know. 

iPad- I pad is basically a big iPhone or a small computer. Very convenient for on the go like I usually am. Helps me stay connected and get work done even when I'm not at a computer.

Bed- Many people who me well know that I love to sleep. Naps are my favorite and my bed makes for the best. How can you get anything accomplished if you don't get good rest.
Energizer Bunny 

Wallet- Without my wallet I might as well be dead. Everything happens from your wallet. Money, identification, transportation it all comes from my wallet. It would be miserable if you lost it.. knock on wood. 